Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

English summary unit 7


A. Pengertian
Preference adalah ungkapan pilihan/pendapat yang lebih disukai seseorang tentang sesuatu sebagai pilihannya.
B. Bentuk-bentuk Preference
1. Like ….. better than
a. Bentuk Preference
Contoh :
• They like diving better than skiing.
• I like drinking better than eating
Note :
Bentuk kata kerja – ing dapat pula diganti dengan to – infinitive
2. Prefer ………. to
a. Bentuk preference “prefer …… to” dengan objek
Contoh :
• She prefers a novel to a newspaper
• I prefer vegetable to fruit.
b. Bentuk preference yang memiliki objek kata kerja
 Rumus : S + prefer + Verb-ing + to + Verb-ing
Contoh :
• Tom prefers driving to travelling by train.
• I prefer taking a taxi to (taking) a bus.
3. Would rather ………………… than
 Rumus : Subject + would rather + Verb 1 ….. than + verb 1
Contoh :
• I would rather have a cup of tea than (have)  coffe.
• I would rather read a magazine than do nothing.
• I prefer taking a taxi to (taking) a bus.
4. Would prefer ……. Rather than

 Rumus : Subject + would prefer + to Verb 1 rather than + verb 1
Contoh :
• I ‘d prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.
• I’d prefer to do something rather than go with you
Note :
 Jika ada kata kerja yang sama dalam bentuk preference maka kata kerja tersebut boleh dihilangkan.
 18

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