Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

English summary unit 6



Causative Have / Get :
Causative adalah bentuk susunan kalimat dimana have/get di dalam kalimat itu mempunyai arti menyuruh.
Contoh :
- My brother has my father give him more money.
(Sdr. Laki-laki saya menyuruh ayah saya memberinya lebih banyak uang)
- The gardener got the owner buy a new pipe.
(Tukang Kebun itu menyuruh pemilik rumah membeli sebuah pipa baru)
Pola :
S + have/has + O pelaku V1 + O penderita
S + get + O pelaku + to V1 + O penderita

S + have/get + O penderita + V3 + (by O pelaku)
Contoh :
The man orders his wife to cook pecial food
Active : The man has his wife cook special food
The man gets his wife to cook special food
Passive : The man has special food cooked by his wife
The man gets special food cooked by his wife
I am going to ask the teacher to explain the lesson once again.
Active : I am going to have the teacher explain the lesson once again.
I am going to get the teacher to explain the lesson once again
Passive : I am going to have the lesson explained by the teacher once again
I am going to get the lesson explained by the teacher once again.
Tell the servant to cut all the grass.
Active : Have the servant cut all the grass
Get the servant to cut all the grass
Passive : Have all the grass cut by the servant
Get all the grass cut by the servant


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